在使用微信支付服务前,你应当阅读并遵守本协议和《财付通服务协议》。由于微信支付服务是本公司依托微信及微信公众平台提供的服务,你在使用本服务时,还需使用微信软件服务,所以你应阅读并遵守《腾讯微信软件许可及服务协议》,若你需要使用微信公众平台服务,你还应阅读并遵守《微信公众平台服务协议》。本公司在此特别提醒你认真阅读并充分理解前述协议各条款,特别是免除或限制本公司的责任、限制你的权利、规定争议解决方式的相关条款。请你审慎阅读并选择是否接受前述协议 (未成年人应在监护人陪同下阅读),如你对本协议有任何疑问,应向客服咨询。
1.1 微信支付服务,指本公司依托微信及微信公众平台为收付款人之间提供的货币资金转移服务。(下称“本服务”)
1.2 本服务包括余额支付和快捷支付两种类型。
1.2.1 余额支付,指你使用本公司给你开立的支付账户中的余额进行资金转移的一种支付方式。你确认并同意本公司给你开立支付账户时,将你的微信号与该支付账户相关联,使得你可以通过微信的“零钱”功能使用该支付账户(以下所称的“零钱”即指该支付账户,也等同于《财付通服务协议》中所指的财付通账户)。你有权使用“零钱”中的余额进行消费和转账,若余额不足,你需先开通快捷支付,并向“零钱”充值,你也可以通过接收他人的转账来增加“零钱”的余额。
1.2.2 快捷支付,指你委托本公司直接对你的银行账户进行资金扣划和归集操作的一种支付方式。快捷支付可以实现“零钱”的充值,以及消费、转账等功能。若你需要在微信客户端使用快捷支付,你应在微信客户端的“添加银行卡”页面输入你本人的真实姓名、身份证号、银行卡卡号、有效期(信用卡持卡人需填写)、银行预留手机号等信息,待前述信息经本公司和你的开户银行校验通过后,方能使用。你已知悉并同意,因你的银行账户功能、限额、类别等情况发生变化,或银行账户被撤销或合并而无法正常使用本服务的,你需与银行协商解决并及时通知本公司,本公司可提供必要的支持和配合。 本公司会根据监管要求、支付业务场景、交易风险控制、银行额度控制及/或银行合作情况等因素设定/调整你可使用的交易限额,你可通过本公司网站页面及/或交互页面查看参考限额,具体以实际支付时的提示为准,若支付时收银台页面无限额提示,超额后会进行提示。
1.3 你理解并同意,本服务的上述流程,可能因适用场景和功能存续情况的变化而发生调整,所以具体以本公司实际提供的服务流程为准。
1.4 为了满足国家法律法规关于非银行支付机构的运营规定,你授权本公司向国家机关、金融机构、企事业单位查询、核实你的身份信息、账户信息。
1.5 你理解并同意,本公司有权根据业务运营的调整需要,修订本协议的内容,并提前通过本公司网站或微信客户端公告最新的服务协议,你应关注并了解本公司公告的最新服务协议,最新的服务协议在公告届满30日起生效,若你无法同意最新的服务协议的内容,你有权停止使用本服务。
1.6 你已知悉,“零钱”所记录的资金余额不同于你本人的银行存款,不受《存款保险条例》保护,其实质为你委托财付通公司保管的、所有权归属于你的预付价值。该预付价值对应的货币资金虽然属于你,但不以你本人名义存放在银行,而是以财付通公司名义存放在银行,并且由财付通公司向银行发起资金调拨指令。
2.1 你应自行设置微信号的登录密码和微信支付密码,并予以妥善保管。你的微信号将与本公司给你配置的支付账户关联,不能单独使用,若你的微信号注销,则与其关联的支付账户也随之注销,使得你无法通过该微信号使用本服务。为满足法律法规的要求以及使用本服务的核心功能,你需提交你的姓名、身份证号、手机号、银行卡信息等信息。你授权本公司在法律规定的范围内保存你的姓名、身份证号、手机号、银行卡号、交易订单、交易记录等信息,以供向你持续性地提供和推广优质服务。你同意:
2.1.1 你应按照本公司要求提供并及时更新你的信息,若你提供的信息错误、不实、过期或不完整,本公司有权暂停或终止向你提供部分或全部服务。
2.1.2 你应准确提供并及时更新你的联系方式,以便本公司与你进行及时、有效联系;如你未准确提供并及时更新你的联系方式,本公司可能将无法与你取得联系,并无法为你提供部分或全部服务。
2.1.3 你应及时更新你的身份信息及相关资料,如你未及时更新上述身份信息及相关资料导致本服务无法使用或微信支付账户被他人冒用的,相应风险将由你自行承担。
2.1.4 若你为个人用户,你确认,本公司有权在出现下列任一情形时要求核对你的有效身份证件或其他必要文件,留存有效身份证件的扫描件,且完成本公司要求的相关身份认证。你应积极配合,否则本公司有权限制或停止向你提供部分或全部本服务:
B、你全部微信支付账户项下30天内充值、收取及支付总金额累计人民币5 万元以上或外币等值1万美元以上的;
2.1.5 若因国家法律法规、部门规章或监管机构的要求,本公司需要你补充提供任何身份信息或相关资料时,如你不能及时提供,本公司有权暂停或终止向你提供部分或全部服务。
2.1.6 你在微信支付账户中设置的姓名或昵称、头像等必须遵守法律法规、公序良俗、社会公德,且不会侵害其他第三方的合法权益,否则本公司有权对你的微信支付账户采取限制措施,包括但不限于屏蔽、撤销你微信支付账户的姓名、昵称、头像,停止提供部分或全部服务。你在使用微信支付时,你的昵称和头像将展示在收付款方的账单、零钱明细、收款小账本等,以便于收付款方知晓交易信息。
2.1.7 你应充分了解并清楚知晓出租、出借、出售、购买账户的相关法律责任和惩戒措施,承诺依法依规开立和使用本人账户。
2.2 你应妥善保管下列信息、资料和硬件设备:
2.3 发生下列任一情形时,你应及时联系本公司的客服部门,以减少可能发生的损失:
2.4 本公司有权根据国家法律法规、规章制度、行业规范、监管政策和要求的规定,对你的支付账户的数量、类别、限额、功能进行调整,调整的方式将根据你的支付账户风险管理情况而定,若你已依法申请调整并审核通过的,以审核通过的内容为准。
2.5 如你在使用本服务过程中,由于你的账户被他人盗用存在损失,我们将按照《用户安全保障规则》的约定为你提供资金安全保障。
3.1 消费支付
3.2 转账/收款
3.3 向商户付款
为方便你使用小额支付服务,你向商户提供你的二维码(条码)信息,商户获取你的二维码(条码)信息后,对于一定额度内的交易(本公司将根据法规、你的自助设置和你的交易风险对额度进行调整),无需输入支付密码或短信校验码即可完成付款。你开通和使用本功能,即视为你同意并授权本公司无需校验你的支付密码、短信校验码等要素,即可将交易资金从你的“零钱”或银行账户转移至商户账户。你在使用该服务时,需遵守 《付款用户服务协议》 的约定。
3.4 免密支付
3.5 查询
3.6 添加/解绑银行卡
3.7 修改/重置密码
3.8 退款
3.9 充值和提现
3.10 跨境支付及代客购汇功能
3.10.2 你使用本服务时,无需承担确认支付页面展示的汇率与实际购结汇时或收款或发生退款时的汇率之间的汇兑差额损益。
3.10.3 你知悉并同意,你确认支付即视为授权本公司向本公司合作银行发送外汇购买信息,也即视为你与本公司合作银行直接达成外汇购买协议,有关该外汇购买的相关权利义务由你与本公司合作银行享有并承担,本公司对此不提供相关担保或保证。同时,你同意并授权本公司有权将你微信支付账户或你关联的银行卡账户中与购汇指令等值的人民币资金支付给本公司合作银行。若你发送的购汇指令中所购外汇等值的人民币金额超出你微信支付账户余额或你关联的银行卡账户余额的,该购汇指令将视为无效。
4.1 你的微信号在登录状态下发出的支付指令均视为你本人发出的支付指令。你理解并同意,因资金划转的及时性,支付指令一旦发出即立即生效、不可撤销,本公司有权根据你发出的支付指令进行资金扣划和归集操作。你应妥善保管你的手机等电子设备、支付密码、短信校验码、数字证书、电子签名、以及用于微信支付的条码、二维码等信息和资料,因你自身泄露、遗失、复制、转交前述信息和资料而导致的损失,由你自行承担。
4.2 为了给你带来更好的支付体验,你理解并同意,对于一定额度、一定次数内的支付交易(具体以相关使用规则为准),本公司无需验证你的微信支付密码即可根据你或商户或收款人的交易指令对你的“零钱”和关联银行账户进行资金扣划和归集操作(如“向商户付款”和“免密支付”功能)。
4.3 你自愿向本公司合作银行(具体以你在操作界面确认的银行为准,下称“开户银行”)申请开通银行账户,并通过该银行账户完成支付交易。你同意并授权:1)本公司将你申请开通银行账户所需的个人信息(包括但不限于姓名、身份证号码、手机号码、银行卡信息等)传输至开户银行;2)本公司可将交易款项从你的零钱余额划转至你指定的用于支付的银行账户;3)本公司可将交易款项从你指定的用于支付的银行账户进行划扣,以完成交易。你应按照你与开户银行的约定使用银行账户,如出现下列情况之一,本公司有权立即中止该项服务:
(1) 你将本服务用于非法目的;
(2) 你违反法律法规、协议约定或账户使用规则;
(3) 本公司认为向你提供本服务存在风险的;
(4) 你的银行账户无效、有效期届满或注销等情况;
(5) 银行的系统故障、系统升级。
4.4 若你开通了指纹支付或面容支付功能,即视为你同意本公司在你使用指纹支付/面容支付时,在一定额度内,无需校验你的支付密码和短信动态码,依据你的手机等移动终端设备发出的指纹/面容校验信息即可按照你或商户或收款人的交易指令对你的“零钱”和关联银行账户进行资金扣划和归集操作。
若你在微信客户端内或支持微信支付刷脸服务的设备上开通了微信支付刷脸服务,本公司根据本协议及 《微信支付刷脸服务协议》的约定为你提供相应服务。
4.5 你理解并同意,本公司并非银行或金融机构,无法提供资金即时到账服务,你认可资金于途中流转需要合理时间。
4.6 你使用本公司服务期间,本公司无须对为你保管、代收或代付款项的货币贬值、汇率损失和利息损失及其他风险担责,并且本公司无需向你支付此等款项的孳息。
4.7 当你使用本服务时,你在开户之日起6个月内无交易记录的,本公司有权暂停对你提供本服务,待重新核实身份后,可以恢复服务。
4.8 你使用本服务时,应当仔细确认交易及其金额后进行支付。本公司有权根据你的指令扣划资金给收款人,届时你不应以未在交易单据中签名、签名不符、非本人意愿交易等原因要求本公司退款或承担其他责任。
4.9 你对使用本服务过程中发出指令的合法性、真实性、完整性及有效性承担责任,本公司依照你的指令进行操作的责任由你自行承担。
4.10 你应按照本公司的要求完善你的身份信息以最终达到实名认证, 否则你可能会受到收款、提现和(或)支付(包括但不限于零钱、红包、理财通)的限制,且本公司有权对你的微信支付账户暂停收付款,直至你达到实名认证的标准。
4.11 你同意本公司有权以APP内信息通知、电子邮件、财付通网站公告、电话或传真等方式通知你关于使用本服务的信息。
4.12 本公司向你提供实时到账、普通到账、次日到账等多种转账方式供你选择(微信红包除外),你可以设置默认转账方式(你首次选择的转账方式即为默认转账方式,你也可以调整默认转账方式),为了保障你的资金安全,本公司将根据你账户的风险管理情况设置转账日限额和笔数,或你自行设置的日限额和笔数进行转账,超出限额和笔数的,本公司将不再办理转账业务。
4.13 你承诺不为任何非法目的或以任何非法方式使用本服务,也不将本服务用于法律、法规禁止或限制持有或交易物品的交易。
4.14 你不得利用本服务实施下列任一行为:
(1) 反对宪法所确定的基本原则,危害国家安全、泄漏国家秘密、颠覆国家政权、破坏国家统一;
(2) 侵害他人名誉、隐私权、商业秘密、商标权、著作权、专利权及其他权利;
(3) 冒用他人名义使用本服务或你提交的电话号码与身份证号无法通过校验的;
(4) 从事任何不法交易行为,如贩卖枪支、毒品、禁药、盗版软件,在网上买卖POS机(包括MPOS)、刷卡器等受理终端,或贩卖其他违禁物;
(5) 提供赌博资讯或以任何方式引诱他人参与赌博;
(6) 涉嫌实施或实施洗钱、套现或进行传销活动;
(7) 使用无效信用卡或他人信用卡进行交易;
(8) 使用无效银行账户或他人银行账户进行交易;
(9) 侵害本服务系統;
(10) 违反法律法规、监管规定、本公司网站(https://www.tenpay.com/v3/)的条款、协议、规则、通告等相关规定;
(12) 从事其他违反国家法律、法规、规章及政策法令的行为,或其他违反本协议的行为。
4.15 你同意并理解,本服务有赖于系统的准确运行及操作。一旦由于交易各方的通讯、系统异常或人为原因等导致需要进行信息交互、账务调整等差错情形,导致你、交易对方或者本公司等任何一方不当获利,你同意本公司可以采取更正差错、调整账务、扣划款项等合理的纠正措施。你确认并同意,涉及费率金额如因小数点后两位进位而产生微小误差,均予以认可。
4.16 在使用本服务过程中,如你有疑问或意见,你可以通过拨打我们的客服电话95017或通过在线客服与我们联系。为了向你提供客服服务,本公司根据你的问题及意见,需要你提供对应的身份信息、交易信息或其他证明材料,具体以客服提示为准。
6.1 你在使用本服务过程中应当遵守当地相关的法律法规,并尊重当地的道德和风俗习惯。如果你的行为违反了当地法律法规或道德风俗,你应当为此独立承担责任。
6.2 如你所属的国家或地区禁止或限制本协议内容的全部或部分,则你应立即停止使用本服务。
6.3 你应避免因使用本服务而使本公司卷入政治和公共事件,否则本公司有权暂停或终止向你提供服务。
7.1 如本公司违反本协议的约定,本公司承担责任的范围以可以合理预见的你实际遭受的经济损失为限。
7.2 本公司仅提供本服务,并不参与具体的商品或服务交易,你使用本服务时,因商品或服务交易本身所产生的纠纷或责任应由你自行解决或承担。
7.3 本服务是在现有技术水平下提供的,本公司将尽力为你提供服务,但无法保证该服务完全符合你的预期。
8.1 不可抗力条款
8.2 其他免责事由
9.1 你理解,本公司有权依据相关法律规定对你的微信支付交易进行风险管控。当本公司认为你有可疑交易或有违反法律规定或本协议约定之情形时,本公司有权暂停、中断或终止向你提供本服务(包括但不限于对你微信支付账户名下的款项和在途交易采取限制交易、暂停交易、取消交易、调账等措施)。若本公司决定终止向你提供本服务的全部或部分服务,本公司有权将你的微信支付账户中的合法资金退回到你绑定的银行账户,若本公司判断你的微信支付账户中的资金涉嫌违法或犯罪事项,本公司有权对你的微信支付账户及账户中的资金采取关闭收付款、提现等功能的措施,并根据国家有权机关的指令对资金予以冻结、扣划。
9.2 本公司发现你违反本协议约定的,有权暂停、中断或终止向你提供本服务,注销你的微信支付账户,并在一段时间内不再向你提供本服务。
9.3 如你需要终止使用本服务时,你可以按照微信客户端的页面提示申请注销微信支付账户。为了维护你和他人的合法利益,在你申请注销微信支付账户时,本公司会进行风险审查,你的微信支付账户不得存在未处理完的交易或其他未了结的权利义务,且不得存在其他因注销可能引发纠纷的情况;如发现存在上述情形,本公司将在服务页面中提示暂不能注销的原因。微信支付账户注销后,如你在注销微信支付账户前存在违约、侵权等不当行为或未完结合同的,你仍应承担相应责任。
11.1 本公司在本服务中提供的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)的知识产权归本公司及其关联公司所有,你在使用本服务中所产生内容的知识产权归你或相关权利人所有。
11.2 除另有特别声明外,本公司提供本服务时所依托软件的著作权、专利权及其他知识产权均归本公司及其关联公司所有。
11.3 本公司在本服务中所使用的“财付通”、“微信支付”、“tenpay”和“wechat pay”等商业标识,其著作权或商标权归本公司及其关联公司所有。
11.4 上述知识产权均受到法律保护,未经本公司、你或相关权利人书面许可,任何人不得以任何形式进行使用或创造相关衍生作品。
12.1 你使用本服务时不得有违反国家法律法规、侵害他人合法权益的行为。你理解并同意,如你被他人投诉或你投诉他人,本公司有权将你的主体信息、联系方式、投诉相关的内容等必要信息提供给争议相对方或相关部门,以便及时解决投诉纠纷,以保护你及他人的合法权益;但法律法规另有规定的除外。
12.2 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国广东省深圳市南山区。
12.3 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)。
12.4 你和本公司因本协议产生任何纠纷或争议的,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,你同意将纠纷或争议提交至本协议签订地(深圳市南山区)有管辖权的人民法院解决。
13.1 本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。
13.2 本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力。
13.3 本协议附录与本协议正文具有同等法律效力,如有任何冲突,以本协议附录约定为准。
本公司在此提醒你认真阅读并充分理解本附录各条款,特别是免除或限制本公司的责任、限制你的权利等相关条款。 请你审慎阅读并选择是否接受本附录,如你对本附录有任何疑问,应向客服咨询。如你不接受本附录,或者无法准确理解相关条款含义,请不要使用本公司在本附录下提供的代理购结汇服务。一旦你使用该代理购结汇服务,即视为你对本附录所有条款的理解和接受。
1.1 你希望通过本公司与 本公司境内外汇合作银行(以下简称“合作银行”) 向你提供代为购买外汇、接受境外汇入外汇并结汇的服务。购汇服务中,本公司代你向合作银行提交购汇信息并将你的款项交付该银行用于购买外汇。结汇服务中,本公司代你向合作银行提交结汇信息并将你来自于境外的外汇款项交付该银行为你转换成人民币。
1.2 你声明,你满足本公司网站公布的《财付通服务协议》中约定的财付通用户身份要求,且按照本公司要求通过了你的财付通账户实名认证,具有签订和履行本附录的完全民事行为能力。
1.3 本公司购结汇服务的外汇汇率来源为合作银行交易当日提供的汇率牌价。你有权自行决定是否接受确认支付页面展示的汇率。一旦你在确认支付页面点击确认支付,即代表你自愿同意使用该汇率折算成人民币资金进行支付或收款,并自愿接受本公司以你的名义代理购汇。
1.4 你使用本服务时,无需承担确认支付页面的汇率与实际购结汇时或收款或发生退款时的汇率之间的汇兑差额损益。
1.5 你知悉并同意,你确认支付即视为授权本公司向合作银行发送购汇指令,也即视为你与合作银行直接达成购汇协议,有关该购汇的相关权利义务即由你与合作银行享有并承担,本公司对此不提供任何形式的保证和担保,也不承担任何其他法律责任。同时,本公司有权将你的账户或你关联的银行卡账户中与购汇指令等值的人民币资金支付给合作银行。若你发送的购汇指令中所购外汇等值的人民币金额超出你的微信支付账户或你关联的银行卡账户内人民币资金的,该购汇指令将视为无效。
1.6 你对使用购汇服务过程中发出指令的合法性、真实性、完整性及有效性承担全部责任。你同意,一旦你在确认支付页面点击确认支付,本公司据此处理和发送你的购汇指令、将你的微信支付账户或你关联的银行卡账户中与购汇指令等值的人民币资金支付给合作银行的一切风险由你自行承担。你认可并同意,购汇服务的相关交易信息均以财付通服务系统记录的为准。
2.1 本公司重视对你个人信息的保护,你为使用本购结汇服务而向我们提供的或我们获取的个人信息依本协议和《财付通隐私政策》受到保护与规范。
2.2 你同意,本公司有权将你的身份信息(姓名 、证件类型、证件号码、国籍)、手机号码、账户信息(开户银行和账号)、交易信息(商品名称、数量、交易时间、币种、金额) 等信息提供给合作银行。
3.1 你承诺遵守所有适用于你使用购结汇服务的中华人民共和国(以下简称“中国”,仅为本附录之目的,不包括香港和澳门特别行政区及台湾地区)相关法律法规、部门规章、监管要求和政策,并进一步承诺不为任何非法目的或以任何非法方式使用购结汇服务,也不将购结汇服务用于禁止或限制物品的交易。
3.2 你同意,你每天和每年通过财付通服务系统在合作银行购结汇的限额应符合外汇相关法律法规、规章、监管要求和政策的规定。你同意并保证,在每一个自然年度内,你通过财付通服务系统进行跨境支付线下交易的总交易金额不会超过人民币叁拾万(300,000)元。如果超过上述金额,本公司有权在该自然年度内停止为你提供购结汇服务。你承诺不会采用拆单等任何非法方式规避上述限额。
1. 为了向你提供本服务,我们将收集、产生并会跨境提供你的 身份标识和交易信息(包括交易类型、付款银行、交易金额、币种、订单号、支付完成时间) 给我们的境外合作机构或者境外商户,以便完成交易资金结算。另外,我们会视具体交易所需以人民币结算出境,如果相关交易资金以人民币结算出境,则我们将额外跨境提供你的 交易信息(包括交易方式、订单号、贸易类型、交易时间、交易类型、币种、交易金额) 给我们的境外关联方WeChat Pay Hong Kong Ltd.以便进行交易资金结算。如你拒绝我们按照上述方式处理你的个人信息,我们则无法为你完成本服务。上述境外信息接收方的名称、联系方式:
1.1 如需了解境外合作机构和境外商户的名称和联系方式,你可以通过wxpayglobal@tencent.com进行咨询。
1.2 WeChat Pay Hong Kong Ltd.,客服邮箱hkpay@wechat.com,你可以通过该客服邮箱与WeChat Pay Hong Kong Ltd.联系并主张你的个人信息权利。
2. 为了向你提供本服务,我们会向相关境内合作银行提供你的 身份信息(姓名、证件类型、证件号码、国籍)、手机号码、账户信息(开户银行和账号)、交易信息(商品名称、数量、交易时间、币种、金额) ,以便使你支付的交易资金可以通过相关境内合作银行以人民币或者外汇结算出境。如你拒绝提供上述信息,上述境内合作银行将无法提供购汇(如有)和资金结算服务,我们也将无法向你提供本服务。本服务下的境内合作银行具体信息可点击此处查询 ,你可以查询相关境内合作银行具体信息并进一步主张你的个人信息权利。
3. 为了向你提供本服务,我们的境内合作银行、境外合作机构可能基于适用的反洗钱、反恐怖融资等金融监管相关的强制性法律法规和风险管理的需要,要求本公司提供你的交易信息(商品名称、商品数量、商户地址、商户名称等)。本公司需要配合境内合作银行、境外合作机构的上述需要,向境内合作银行、境外合作机构提供你的个人信息,否则境内合作银行、境外合作机构将无法为你提供本服务相关的交易结算,进而使得本公司无法向你提供本服务。
4. 有关你个人信息保护与规范的其他内容,详情请参阅《财付通隐私政策》。
5. 本附录未作约定的事宜,仍然适用主协议。
2. 收集信息 :为了向你提供本服务或满足中国法律法规及相关监管规定,你需要主动提供你的以下个人信息。如你未能提供下述信息,你将无法使用本服务,但不影响你使用主协议中涉及的其他功能。
2.1 根据适用的支付和反洗钱相关法律法规及监管规定,你需要提供你的如下个人信息,包括:你本人的真实姓名、 身份证件类型和号码、证件有效期、外卡卡号 、性别、国籍、联系方式、职业、地址,并需要提交身份证件照片和 手持身份证件的本人照片 。根据适用的反洗钱和制裁相关法律法规及监管规定、本公司反洗钱和制裁合规要求,我们视具体情形可能需要收集你的外卡开户银行、出生日期、现就职公司、所属行业、资金来源、开户目的等信息,以便完成反洗钱和制裁核查。
2.2 为向你提供本服务,你需要提供你所绑定外卡的外卡类型、 卡号、CVV码、有效期 ,以便我们完成外卡绑定和支付结算流程。
2.3 为本公司开展本业务风险管理的需要,你需要提供姓名、 手持身份证件的本人照片、外卡照片、银行卡账单明细 ,且可能视具体情况要求你提供其他个人信息以便对相关交易的真实性、合法性等情况进行核验。
3. 境内共享 :为了向你提供本服务,我们会为如下目的向我们的境内外卡合作银行共享你的相关个人信息,并可能由境内外卡合作银行进一步跨境提供给国际卡组织。针对上述境内共享行为,本公司将采取合法合规的措施确保你的个人信息安全传输给境内外卡合作银行,并通过合理方式要求境内外卡合作银行就跨境提供你的个人信息履行法定合规义务。
3.1 为向你提供本服务,本公司和境内外卡合作银行需要向你的外卡开户银行核实你的外卡信息,以确保你是该外卡的真实持有人。本公司会根据国际卡组织的要求将你的外卡卡号、CVV码、有效期和交易金额提供给本公司的境内外卡合作银行,并由该外卡合作银行跨境传输给国际卡组织,再通过国际卡组织向你的外卡开户银行校验你的外卡信息是否匹配。待前述信息经你的外卡开户银行校验通过后,你方能使用本服务。
3.2 为向你提供本服务,我们会向境内外卡合作银行提供你的 外卡卡号、有效期和交易金额 ,以便为你的外卡交易提供支付结算服务。
3.3 为向你提供本服务,境内外卡合作银行和你的外卡开户银行可能基于适用的反洗钱、反恐怖融资等金融监管相关的强制性法律法规和风险管理的需要,要求本公司提供你的外卡交易信息(交易单号、交易金额、交易时间、交易IP地址、交易商品信息等),本公司需要配合上述相关方的上述需要,向境内外卡合作银行或通过境内外卡合作银行向外卡开户银行提供你的外卡交易信息,否则上述相关方将无法为你提供本服务相关交易结算,进而使得本公司无法向你提供本服务。
3.4 上述境内共享信息接收方和联系方式为:东亚银行(中国)有限公司,客服电话95382,你可以通过该客服电话与东亚银行(中国)有限公司联系并主张你的个人信息权利。
4. 有关你个人信息保护与规范的其他内容,详情请参阅 《财付通隐私政策》。
5. 本附录未作约定的事宜,仍然适用主协议。
1. 你与我们的关系
你正阅读的是《欧盟用户附录》(本“欧盟附录”),本欧盟附录在你通常居于欧盟境内且使用我们的网站、服务、应用程序、产品和内容(统称“服务”)的情况下,规管你与WeChat Pay Europe BV(微信支付欧洲私营有限责任公司,以下简称“WeChat Pay Europe”或“我们”)之间的关系,并构成你与我们之间的协议。在本欧盟附录中,“你”是指服务的用户。本欧盟附录是对你与财付通支付科技有限公司(“财付通”)之间的《微信支付用户服务协议》(“用户协议”,与本欧盟附录合称“本条款”)的补充。如果本欧盟附录的条款与用户协议的条款之间存在任何冲突,以本欧盟附录的条款为准。本欧盟附录中未定义的专有名词缩写,其含义同用户协议中规定的含义。
WeChat Pay Europe是一家在荷兰成立的公司,注册地址位于Amstelplein 54, in Amsterdam 1096 BC(商业登记号:72082860)。如您有任何问题或投诉,您可通过前述地址或通过电邮(wechatpay_europe@tencent.com)联系我们。
2. 接受本条款
您使用我们的服务,即视为您确认您可与WeChat Pay Europe订立具约束力的合同,您接受本条款,且您同意遵守本条款的规定。如果您不同意本条款,则您不得使用我们的服务。您应打印或保存一份本地副本,以保存本条款。
3. 本条款的变更
4. 收费
5. 个人数据
6. 适用法律和管辖权
在使用微信支付服务前,你应当阅读并遵守本协议和《财付通服务协议》。由于微信支付服务是本公司依托微信及微信公众平台提供的服务,你在使用本服务时,还需使用微信软件服务,所以你应阅读并遵守《腾讯微信软件许可及服务协议》,若你需要使用微信公众平台服务,你还应阅读并遵守《微信公众平台服务协议》。本公司在此特别提醒你认真阅读并充分理解前述协议各条款,特别是免除或限制本公司的责任、限制你的权利、规定争议解决方式的相关条款。请你审慎阅读并选择是否接受前述协议 (未成年人应在监护人陪同下阅读),如你对本协议有任何疑问,应向客服咨询。
1.1 微信支付服务,指本公司依托微信及微信公众平台为收付款人之间提供的货币资金转移服务。(下称“本服务”)
1.2 本服务包括余额支付和快捷支付两种类型。
1.2.1 余额支付,指你使用本公司给你开立的支付账户中的余额进行资金转移的一种支付方式。你确认并同意本公司给你开立支付账户时,将你的微信号与该支付账户相关联,使得你可以通过微信的“零钱”功能使用该支付账户(以下所称的“零钱”即指该支付账户,也等同于《财付通服务协议》中所指的财付通账户)。你有权使用“零钱”中的余额进行消费和转账,若余额不足,你需先开通快捷支付,并向“零钱”充值,你也可以通过接收他人的转账来增加“零钱”的余额。
1.2.2 快捷支付,指你委托本公司直接对你的银行账户进行资金扣划和归集操作的一种支付方式。快捷支付可以实现“零钱”的充值,以及消费、转账等功能。若你需要在微信客户端使用快捷支付,你应在微信客户端的“添加银行卡”页面输入你本人的真实姓名、身份证号、银行卡卡号、有效期(信用卡持卡人需填写)、银行预留手机号等信息,待前述信息经本公司和你的开户银行校验通过后,方能使用。你已知悉并同意,因你的银行账户功能、限额、类别等情况发生变化,或银行账户被撤销或合并而无法正常使用本服务的,你需与银行协商解决并及时通知本公司,本公司可提供必要的支持和配合。 本公司会根据监管要求、支付业务场景、交易风险控制、银行额度控制及/或银行合作情况等因素设定/调整你可使用的交易限额,你可通过本公司网站页面及/或交互页面查看参考限额,具体以实际支付时的提示为准,若支付时收银台页面无限额提示,超额后会进行提示。
1.3 你理解并同意,本服务的上述流程,可能因适用场景和功能存续情况的变化而发生调整,所以具体以本公司实际提供的服务流程为准。
1.4 为了满足国家法律法规关于非银行支付机构的运营规定,你授权本公司向国家机关、金融机构、企事业单位查询、核实你的身份信息、账户信息。
1.5 你理解并同意,本公司有权根据业务运营的调整需要,修订本协议的内容,并提前通过本公司网站或微信客户端公告最新的服务协议,你应关注并了解本公司公告的最新服务协议,最新的服务协议在公告届满30日起生效,若你无法同意最新的服务协议的内容,你有权停止使用本服务。
1.6 你已知悉,“零钱”所记录的资金余额不同于你本人的银行存款,不受《存款保险条例》保护,其实质为你委托财付通公司保管的、所有权归属于你的预付价值。该预付价值对应的货币资金虽然属于你,但不以你本人名义存放在银行,而是以财付通公司名义存放在银行,并且由财付通公司向银行发起资金调拨指令。
2.1 你应自行设置微信号的登录密码和微信支付密码,并予以妥善保管。你的微信号将与本公司给你配置的支付账户关联,不能单独使用,若你的微信号注销,则与其关联的支付账户也随之注销,使得你无法通过该微信号使用本服务。为满足法律法规的要求以及使用本服务的核心功能,你需提交你的姓名、身份证号、手机号、银行卡信息等信息。你授权本公司在法律规定的范围内保存你的姓名、身份证号、手机号、银行卡号、交易订单、交易记录等信息,以供向你持续性地提供和推广优质服务。你同意:
2.1.1 你应按照本公司要求提供并及时更新你的信息,若你提供的信息错误、不实、过期或不完整,本公司有权暂停或终止向你提供部分或全部服务。
2.1.2 你应准确提供并及时更新你的联系方式,以便本公司与你进行及时、有效联系;如你未准确提供并及时更新你的联系方式,本公司可能将无法与你取得联系,并无法为你提供部分或全部服务。
2.1.3 你应及时更新你的身份信息及相关资料,如你未及时更新上述身份信息及相关资料导致本服务无法使用或微信支付账户被他人冒用的,相应风险将由你自行承担。
2.1.4 若你为个人用户,你确认,本公司有权在出现下列任一情形时要求核对你的有效身份证件或其他必要文件,留存有效身份证件的扫描件,且完成本公司要求的相关身份认证。你应积极配合,否则本公司有权限制或停止向你提供部分或全部本服务:
B、你全部微信支付账户项下30天内充值、收取及支付总金额累计人民币5 万元以上或外币等值1万美元以上的;
2.1.5 若因国家法律法规、部门规章或监管机构的要求,本公司需要你补充提供任何身份信息或相关资料时,如你不能及时提供,本公司有权暂停或终止向你提供部分或全部服务。
2.1.6 你在微信支付账户中设置的姓名或昵称、头像等必须遵守法律法规、公序良俗、社会公德,且不会侵害其他第三方的合法权益,否则本公司有权对你的微信支付账户采取限制措施,包括但不限于屏蔽、撤销你微信支付账户的姓名、昵称、头像,停止提供部分或全部服务。你在使用微信支付时,你的昵称和头像将展示在收付款方的账单、零钱明细、收款小账本等,以便于收付款方知晓交易信息。
2.1.7 你应充分了解并清楚知晓出租、出借、出售、购买账户的相关法律责任和惩戒措施,承诺依法依规开立和使用本人账户。
2.2 你应妥善保管下列信息、资料和硬件设备:
2.3 发生下列任一情形时,你应及时联系本公司的客服部门,以减少可能发生的损失:
2.4 本公司有权根据国家法律法规、规章制度、行业规范、监管政策和要求的规定,对你的支付账户的数量、类别、限额、功能进行调整,调整的方式将根据你的支付账户风险管理情况而定,若你已依法申请调整并审核通过的,以审核通过的内容为准。
2.5 如你在使用本服务过程中,由于你的账户被他人盗用存在损失,我们将按照《用户安全保障规则》的约定为你提供资金安全保障。
3.1 消费支付
3.2 转账/收款
3.3 向商户付款
为方便你使用小额支付服务,你向商户提供你的二维码(条码)信息,商户获取你的二维码(条码)信息后,对于一定额度内的交易(本公司将根据法规、你的自助设置和你的交易风险对额度进行调整),无需输入支付密码或短信校验码即可完成付款。你开通和使用本功能,即视为你同意并授权本公司无需校验你的支付密码、短信校验码等要素,即可将交易资金从你的“零钱”或银行账户转移至商户账户。你在使用该服务时,需遵守 《付款用户服务协议》 的约定。
3.4 免密支付
3.5 查询
3.6 添加/解绑银行卡
3.7 修改/重置密码
3.8 退款
3.9 充值和提现
3.10 跨境支付及代客购汇功能
3.10.2 你使用本服务时,无需承担确认支付页面展示的汇率与实际购结汇时或收款或发生退款时的汇率之间的汇兑差额损益。
3.10.3 你知悉并同意,你确认支付即视为授权本公司向本公司合作银行发送外汇购买信息,也即视为你与本公司合作银行直接达成外汇购买协议,有关该外汇购买的相关权利义务由你与本公司合作银行享有并承担,本公司对此不提供相关担保或保证。同时,你同意并授权本公司有权将你微信支付账户或你关联的银行卡账户中与购汇指令等值的人民币资金支付给本公司合作银行。若你发送的购汇指令中所购外汇等值的人民币金额超出你微信支付账户余额或你关联的银行卡账户余额的,该购汇指令将视为无效。
4.1 你的微信号在登录状态下发出的支付指令均视为你本人发出的支付指令。你理解并同意,因资金划转的及时性,支付指令一旦发出即立即生效、不可撤销,本公司有权根据你发出的支付指令进行资金扣划和归集操作。你应妥善保管你的手机等电子设备、支付密码、短信校验码、数字证书、电子签名、以及用于微信支付的条码、二维码等信息和资料,因你自身泄露、遗失、复制、转交前述信息和资料而导致的损失,由你自行承担。
4.2 为了给你带来更好的支付体验,你理解并同意,对于一定额度、一定次数内的支付交易(具体以相关使用规则为准),本公司无需验证你的微信支付密码即可根据你或商户或收款人的交易指令对你的“零钱”和关联银行账户进行资金扣划和归集操作(如“向商户付款”和“免密支付”功能)。
4.3 你自愿向本公司合作银行(具体以你在操作界面确认的银行为准,下称“开户银行”)申请开通银行账户,并通过该银行账户完成支付交易。你同意并授权:1)本公司将你申请开通银行账户所需的个人信息(包括但不限于姓名、身份证号码、手机号码、银行卡信息等)传输至开户银行;2)本公司可将交易款项从你的零钱余额划转至你指定的用于支付的银行账户;3)本公司可将交易款项从你指定的用于支付的银行账户进行划扣,以完成交易。你应按照你与开户银行的约定使用银行账户,如出现下列情况之一,本公司有权立即中止该项服务:
(1) 你将本服务用于非法目的;
(2) 你违反法律法规、协议约定或账户使用规则;
(3) 本公司认为向你提供本服务存在风险的;
(4) 你的银行账户无效、有效期届满或注销等情况;
(5) 银行的系统故障、系统升级。
4.4 若你开通了指纹支付或面容支付功能,即视为你同意本公司在你使用指纹支付/面容支付时,在一定额度内,无需校验你的支付密码和短信动态码,依据你的手机等移动终端设备发出的指纹/面容校验信息即可按照你或商户或收款人的交易指令对你的“零钱”和关联银行账户进行资金扣划和归集操作。
若你在微信客户端内或支持微信支付刷脸服务的设备上开通了微信支付刷脸服务,本公司根据本协议及 《微信支付刷脸服务协议》的约定为你提供相应服务。
4.5 你理解并同意,本公司并非银行或金融机构,无法提供资金即时到账服务,你认可资金于途中流转需要合理时间。
4.6 你使用本公司服务期间,本公司无须对为你保管、代收或代付款项的货币贬值、汇率损失和利息损失及其他风险担责,并且本公司无需向你支付此等款项的孳息。
4.7 当你使用本服务时,你在开户之日起6个月内无交易记录的,本公司有权暂停对你提供本服务,待重新核实身份后,可以恢复服务。
4.8 你使用本服务时,应当仔细确认交易及其金额后进行支付。本公司有权根据你的指令扣划资金给收款人,届时你不应以未在交易单据中签名、签名不符、非本人意愿交易等原因要求本公司退款或承担其他责任。
4.9 你对使用本服务过程中发出指令的合法性、真实性、完整性及有效性承担责任,本公司依照你的指令进行操作的责任由你自行承担。
4.10 你应按照本公司的要求完善你的身份信息以最终达到实名认证, 否则你可能会受到收款、提现和(或)支付(包括但不限于零钱、红包、理财通)的限制,且本公司有权对你的微信支付账户暂停收付款,直至你达到实名认证的标准。
4.11 你同意本公司有权以APP内信息通知、电子邮件、财付通网站公告、电话或传真等方式通知你关于使用本服务的信息。
4.12 本公司向你提供实时到账、普通到账、次日到账等多种转账方式供你选择(微信红包除外),你可以设置默认转账方式(你首次选择的转账方式即为默认转账方式,你也可以调整默认转账方式),为了保障你的资金安全,本公司将根据你账户的风险管理情况设置转账日限额和笔数,或你自行设置的日限额和笔数进行转账,超出限额和笔数的,本公司将不再办理转账业务。
4.13 你承诺不为任何非法目的或以任何非法方式使用本服务,也不将本服务用于法律、法规禁止或限制持有或交易物品的交易。
4.14 你不得利用本服务实施下列任一行为:
(1) 反对宪法所确定的基本原则,危害国家安全、泄漏国家秘密、颠覆国家政权、破坏国家统一;
(2) 侵害他人名誉、隐私权、商业秘密、商标权、著作权、专利权及其他权利;
(3) 冒用他人名义使用本服务或你提交的电话号码与身份证号无法通过校验的;
(4) 从事任何不法交易行为,如贩卖枪支、毒品、禁药、盗版软件,在网上买卖POS机(包括MPOS)、刷卡器等受理终端,或贩卖其他违禁物;
(5) 提供赌博资讯或以任何方式引诱他人参与赌博;
(6) 涉嫌实施或实施洗钱、套现或进行传销活动;
(7) 使用无效信用卡或他人信用卡进行交易;
(8) 使用无效银行账户或他人银行账户进行交易;
(9) 侵害本服务系統;
(10) 违反法律法规、监管规定、本公司网站(https://www.tenpay.com/v3/)的条款、协议、规则、通告等相关规定;
(12) 从事其他违反国家法律、法规、规章及政策法令的行为,或其他违反本协议的行为。
4.15 你同意并理解,本服务有赖于系统的准确运行及操作。一旦由于交易各方的通讯、系统异常或人为原因等导致需要进行信息交互、账务调整等差错情形,导致你、交易对方或者本公司等任何一方不当获利,你同意本公司可以采取更正差错、调整账务、扣划款项等合理的纠正措施。你确认并同意,涉及费率金额如因小数点后两位进位而产生微小误差,均予以认可。
4.16 在使用本服务过程中,如你有疑问或意见,你可以通过拨打我们的客服电话95017或通过在线客服与我们联系。为了向你提供客服服务,本公司根据你的问题及意见,需要你提供对应的身份信息、交易信息或其他证明材料,具体以客服提示为准。
6.1 你在使用本服务过程中应当遵守当地相关的法律法规,并尊重当地的道德和风俗习惯。如果你的行为违反了当地法律法规或道德风俗,你应当为此独立承担责任。
6.2 如你所属的国家或地区禁止或限制本协议内容的全部或部分,则你应立即停止使用本服务。
6.3 你应避免因使用本服务而使本公司卷入政治和公共事件,否则本公司有权暂停或终止向你提供服务。
7.1 如本公司违反本协议的约定,本公司承担责任的范围以可以合理预见的你实际遭受的经济损失为限。
7.2 本公司仅提供本服务,并不参与具体的商品或服务交易,你使用本服务时,因商品或服务交易本身所产生的纠纷或责任应由你自行解决或承担。
7.3 本服务是在现有技术水平下提供的,本公司将尽力为你提供服务,但无法保证该服务完全符合你的预期。
8.1 不可抗力条款
8.2 其他免责事由
9.1 你理解,本公司有权依据相关法律规定对你的微信支付交易进行风险管控。当本公司认为你有可疑交易或有违反法律规定或本协议约定之情形时,本公司有权暂停、中断或终止向你提供本服务(包括但不限于对你微信支付账户名下的款项和在途交易采取限制交易、暂停交易、取消交易、调账等措施)。若本公司决定终止向你提供本服务的全部或部分服务,本公司有权将你的微信支付账户中的合法资金退回到你绑定的银行账户,若本公司判断你的微信支付账户中的资金涉嫌违法或犯罪事项,本公司有权对你的微信支付账户及账户中的资金采取关闭收付款、提现等功能的措施,并根据国家有权机关的指令对资金予以冻结、扣划。
9.2 本公司发现你违反本协议约定的,有权暂停、中断或终止向你提供本服务,注销你的微信支付账户,并在一段时间内不再向你提供本服务。
9.3 如你需要终止使用本服务时,你可以按照微信客户端的页面提示申请注销微信支付账户。为了维护你和他人的合法利益,在你申请注销微信支付账户时,本公司会进行风险审查,你的微信支付账户不得存在未处理完的交易或其他未了结的权利义务,且不得存在其他因注销可能引发纠纷的情况;如发现存在上述情形,本公司将在服务页面中提示暂不能注销的原因。微信支付账户注销后,如你在注销微信支付账户前存在违约、侵权等不当行为或未完结合同的,你仍应承担相应责任。
11.1 本公司在本服务中提供的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)的知识产权归本公司及其关联公司所有,你在使用本服务中所产生内容的知识产权归你或相关权利人所有。
11.2 除另有特别声明外,本公司提供本服务时所依托软件的著作权、专利权及其他知识产权均归本公司及其关联公司所有。
11.3 本公司在本服务中所使用的“财付通”、“微信支付”、“tenpay”和“wechat pay”等商业标识,其著作权或商标权归本公司及其关联公司所有。
11.4 上述知识产权均受到法律保护,未经本公司、你或相关权利人书面许可,任何人不得以任何形式进行使用或创造相关衍生作品。
12.1 你使用本服务时不得有违反国家法律法规、侵害他人合法权益的行为。你理解并同意,如你被他人投诉或你投诉他人,本公司有权将你的主体信息、联系方式、投诉相关的内容等必要信息提供给争议相对方或相关部门,以便及时解决投诉纠纷,以保护你及他人的合法权益;但法律法规另有规定的除外。
12.2 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国广东省深圳市南山区。
12.3 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)。
12.4 你和本公司因本协议产生任何纠纷或争议的,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,你同意将纠纷或争议提交至本协议签订地(深圳市南山区)有管辖权的人民法院解决。
13.1 本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。
13.2 本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力。
13.3 本协议附录与本协议正文具有同等法律效力,如有任何冲突,以本协议附录约定为准。
本公司在此提醒你认真阅读并充分理解本附录各条款,特别是免除或限制本公司的责任、限制你的权利等相关条款。 请你审慎阅读并选择是否接受本附录,如你对本附录有任何疑问,应向客服咨询。如你不接受本附录,或者无法准确理解相关条款含义,请不要使用本公司在本附录下提供的代理购结汇服务。一旦你使用该代理购结汇服务,即视为你对本附录所有条款的理解和接受。
1.1 你希望通过本公司与 本公司境内外汇合作银行(以下简称“合作银行”) 向你提供代为购买外汇、接受境外汇入外汇并结汇的服务。购汇服务中,本公司代你向合作银行提交购汇信息并将你的款项交付该银行用于购买外汇。结汇服务中,本公司代你向合作银行提交结汇信息并将你来自于境外的外汇款项交付该银行为你转换成人民币。
1.2 你声明,你满足本公司网站公布的《财付通服务协议》中约定的财付通用户身份要求,且按照本公司要求通过了你的财付通账户实名认证,具有签订和履行本附录的完全民事行为能力。
1.3 本公司购结汇服务的外汇汇率来源为合作银行交易当日提供的汇率牌价。你有权自行决定是否接受确认支付页面展示的汇率。一旦你在确认支付页面点击确认支付,即代表你自愿同意使用该汇率折算成人民币资金进行支付或收款,并自愿接受本公司以你的名义代理购汇。
1.4 你使用本服务时,无需承担确认支付页面的汇率与实际购结汇时或收款或发生退款时的汇率之间的汇兑差额损益。
1.5 你知悉并同意,你确认支付即视为授权本公司向合作银行发送购汇指令,也即视为你与合作银行直接达成购汇协议,有关该购汇的相关权利义务即由你与合作银行享有并承担,本公司对此不提供任何形式的保证和担保,也不承担任何其他法律责任。同时,本公司有权将你的账户或你关联的银行卡账户中与购汇指令等值的人民币资金支付给合作银行。若你发送的购汇指令中所购外汇等值的人民币金额超出你的微信支付账户或你关联的银行卡账户内人民币资金的,该购汇指令将视为无效。
1.6 你对使用购汇服务过程中发出指令的合法性、真实性、完整性及有效性承担全部责任。你同意,一旦你在确认支付页面点击确认支付,本公司据此处理和发送你的购汇指令、将你的微信支付账户或你关联的银行卡账户中与购汇指令等值的人民币资金支付给合作银行的一切风险由你自行承担。你认可并同意,购汇服务的相关交易信息均以财付通服务系统记录的为准。
2.1 本公司重视对你个人信息的保护,你为使用本购结汇服务而向我们提供的或我们获取的个人信息依本协议和《财付通隐私政策》受到保护与规范。
2.2 你同意,本公司有权将你的身份信息(姓名 、证件类型、证件号码、国籍)、手机号码、账户信息(开户银行和账号)、交易信息(商品名称、数量、交易时间、币种、金额) 等信息提供给合作银行。
3.1 你承诺遵守所有适用于你使用购结汇服务的中华人民共和国(以下简称“中国”,仅为本附录之目的,不包括香港和澳门特别行政区及台湾地区)相关法律法规、部门规章、监管要求和政策,并进一步承诺不为任何非法目的或以任何非法方式使用购结汇服务,也不将购结汇服务用于禁止或限制物品的交易。
3.2 你同意,你每天和每年通过财付通服务系统在合作银行购结汇的限额应符合外汇相关法律法规、规章、监管要求和政策的规定。你同意并保证,在每一个自然年度内,你通过财付通服务系统进行跨境支付线下交易的总交易金额不会超过人民币叁拾万(300,000)元。如果超过上述金额,本公司有权在该自然年度内停止为你提供购结汇服务。你承诺不会采用拆单等任何非法方式规避上述限额。
1. 为了向你提供本服务,我们将收集、产生并会跨境提供你的 身份标识和交易信息(包括交易类型、付款银行、交易金额、币种、订单号、支付完成时间) 给我们的境外合作机构或者境外商户,以便完成交易资金结算。另外,我们会视具体交易所需以人民币结算出境,如果相关交易资金以人民币结算出境,则我们将额外跨境提供你的 交易信息(包括交易方式、订单号、贸易类型、交易时间、交易类型、币种、交易金额) 给我们的境外关联方WeChat Pay Hong Kong Ltd.以便进行交易资金结算。如你拒绝我们按照上述方式处理你的个人信息,我们则无法为你完成本服务。上述境外信息接收方的名称、联系方式:
1.1 如需了解境外合作机构和境外商户的名称和联系方式,你可以通过wxpayglobal@tencent.com进行咨询。
1.2 WeChat Pay Hong Kong Ltd.,客服邮箱hkpay@wechat.com,你可以通过该客服邮箱与WeChat Pay Hong Kong Ltd.联系并主张你的个人信息权利。
2. 为了向你提供本服务,我们会向相关境内合作银行提供你的 身份信息(姓名、证件类型、证件号码、国籍)、手机号码、账户信息(开户银行和账号)、交易信息(商品名称、数量、交易时间、币种、金额) ,以便使你支付的交易资金可以通过相关境内合作银行以人民币或者外汇结算出境。如你拒绝提供上述信息,上述境内合作银行将无法提供购汇(如有)和资金结算服务,我们也将无法向你提供本服务。本服务下的境内合作银行具体信息可点击此处查询 ,你可以查询相关境内合作银行具体信息并进一步主张你的个人信息权利。
3. 为了向你提供本服务,我们的境内合作银行、境外合作机构可能基于适用的反洗钱、反恐怖融资等金融监管相关的强制性法律法规和风险管理的需要,要求本公司提供你的交易信息(商品名称、商品数量、商户地址、商户名称等)。本公司需要配合境内合作银行、境外合作机构的上述需要,向境内合作银行、境外合作机构提供你的个人信息,否则境内合作银行、境外合作机构将无法为你提供本服务相关的交易结算,进而使得本公司无法向你提供本服务。
4. 有关你个人信息保护与规范的其他内容,详情请参阅《财付通隐私政策》。
5. 本附录未作约定的事宜,仍然适用主协议。
2. 收集信息 :为了向你提供本服务或满足中国法律法规及相关监管规定,你需要主动提供你的以下个人信息。如你未能提供下述信息,你将无法使用本服务,但不影响你使用主协议中涉及的其他功能。
2.1 根据适用的支付和反洗钱相关法律法规及监管规定,你需要提供你的如下个人信息,包括:你本人的真实姓名、 身份证件类型和号码、证件有效期、外卡卡号 、性别、国籍、联系方式、职业、地址,并需要提交身份证件照片和 手持身份证件的本人照片 。根据适用的反洗钱和制裁相关法律法规及监管规定、本公司反洗钱和制裁合规要求,我们视具体情形可能需要收集你的外卡开户银行、出生日期、现就职公司、所属行业、资金来源、开户目的等信息,以便完成反洗钱和制裁核查。
2.2 为向你提供本服务,你需要提供你所绑定外卡的外卡类型、 卡号、CVV码、有效期 ,以便我们完成外卡绑定和支付结算流程。
2.3 为本公司开展本业务风险管理的需要,你需要提供姓名、 手持身份证件的本人照片、外卡照片、银行卡账单明细 ,且可能视具体情况要求你提供其他个人信息以便对相关交易的真实性、合法性等情况进行核验。
3. 境内共享 :为了向你提供本服务,我们会为如下目的向我们的境内外卡合作银行共享你的相关个人信息,并可能由境内外卡合作银行进一步跨境提供给国际卡组织。针对上述境内共享行为,本公司将采取合法合规的措施确保你的个人信息安全传输给境内外卡合作银行,并通过合理方式要求境内外卡合作银行就跨境提供你的个人信息履行法定合规义务。
3.1 为向你提供本服务,本公司和境内外卡合作银行需要向你的外卡开户银行核实你的外卡信息,以确保你是该外卡的真实持有人。本公司会根据国际卡组织的要求将你的外卡卡号、CVV码、有效期和交易金额提供给本公司的境内外卡合作银行,并由该外卡合作银行跨境传输给国际卡组织,再通过国际卡组织向你的外卡开户银行校验你的外卡信息是否匹配。待前述信息经你的外卡开户银行校验通过后,你方能使用本服务。
3.2 为向你提供本服务,我们会向境内外卡合作银行提供你的 外卡卡号、有效期和交易金额 ,以便为你的外卡交易提供支付结算服务。
3.3 为向你提供本服务,境内外卡合作银行和你的外卡开户银行可能基于适用的反洗钱、反恐怖融资等金融监管相关的强制性法律法规和风险管理的需要,要求本公司提供你的外卡交易信息(交易单号、交易金额、交易时间、交易IP地址、交易商品信息等),本公司需要配合上述相关方的上述需要,向境内外卡合作银行或通过境内外卡合作银行向外卡开户银行提供你的外卡交易信息,否则上述相关方将无法为你提供本服务相关交易结算,进而使得本公司无法向你提供本服务。
3.4 上述境内共享信息接收方和联系方式为:东亚银行(中国)有限公司,客服电话95382,你可以通过该客服电话与东亚银行(中国)有限公司联系并主张你的个人信息权利。
4. 有关你个人信息保护与规范的其他内容,详情请参阅 《财付通隐私政策》。
5. 本附录未作约定的事宜,仍然适用主协议。
1. 你与我们的关系
你正阅读的是《欧盟用户附录》(本“欧盟附录”),本欧盟附录在你通常居于欧盟境内且使用我们的网站、服务、应用程序、产品和内容(统称“服务”)的情况下,规管你与WeChat Pay Europe BV(微信支付欧洲私营有限责任公司,以下简称“WeChat Pay Europe”或“我们”)之间的关系,并构成你与我们之间的协议。在本欧盟附录中,“你”是指服务的用户。本欧盟附录是对你与财付通支付科技有限公司(“财付通”)之间的《微信支付用户服务协议》(“用户协议”,与本欧盟附录合称“本条款”)的补充。如果本欧盟附录的条款与用户协议的条款之间存在任何冲突,以本欧盟附录的条款为准。本欧盟附录中未定义的专有名词缩写,其含义同用户协议中规定的含义。
WeChat Pay Europe是一家在荷兰成立的公司,注册地址位于Amstelplein 54, in Amsterdam 1096 BC(商业登记号:72082860)。如您有任何问题或投诉,您可通过前述地址或通过电邮(wechatpay_europe@tencent.com)联系我们。
2. 接受本条款
您使用我们的服务,即视为您确认您可与WeChat Pay Europe订立具约束力的合同,您接受本条款,且您同意遵守本条款的规定。如果您不同意本条款,则您不得使用我们的服务。您应打印或保存一份本地副本,以保存本条款。
3. 本条款的变更
4. 收费
5. 个人数据
6. 适用法律和管辖权
WeChat Terms of Service
Please click here for the WeChat Pay Europe – EU User Addendum.
Important Reminder:
Tenpay Payment Technology Co., Ltd. (for ease of understanding, hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) provides WeChat Pay service for users (hereinafter referred to as “you”) in accordance with this agreement. This agreement is legally binding on you and the Company.
Since WeChat Pay service is a service provided by the Company via WeChat and WeChat public platform, when you use the Service, you would also need to use WeChat or Weixin software service, so you should read and comply with Tencent Weixin Software License and Service Agreement.
Since WeChat Pay service is a service provided by the Company via WeChat and WeChat public platform, when you use the Service, you would also need to use WeChat or Weixin software service, so you should read and comply with Tencent Weixin Software License and Service Agreement.
1. The Service
1.1 WeChat Pay service refers to the money transfer service provide by the Company for the recipient and the payer via WeChat and WeChat public platform (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”).
1.2 The Service includes two types of payment service: Balance Payment and Quick Payment.
1.2.1 Balance Payment refers to the payment method via which you would transfer funds using the balance in the payment account that the Company has set up for you. You acknowledge and agree that when the Company sets up a payment account for you, the Company will link your WeChat account to the newly set up payment account so that you can use the payment account through WeChat’s “Change” function (hereinafter, “Change,” referring to the payment account, which is the same as the Tenpay account referred to in the Tenpay Service Agreement). You have the right to use the balance in Change for spending and transferring. If there is not enough balance, you should enable Quick Payment first and use it to top up Change. You can also increase the balance in Change by accepting transfers from others.
1.2.2 Quick Payment refers to the payment method via which you would delegate the Company to directly deduct and collect funds from your bank account. Quick Payment can be used for topping up the balance in Change, for spending, transferring, and other purposes. If you need to use Quick Payment on the WeChat app, you should enter, on the “Add bank card” page of the WeChat app, your real name, ID number, bank card number, expiration date (required for credit card holder), and the cellphone number linked to the bank account. You will be able to use Quick Payment after the aforementioned information is verified by the Company and your bank. You have acknowledged and agreed that if you are unable to use the Service normally because your bank account’s function, limits, type, or other attributes have changed, or that your bank account has been closed or merged, you will consult with the bank to solve the problem and promptly notify the Company. The Company can provide necessary support and coordination.
1.3 You understand and agree that the above procedures of the Service may be adjusted due to changes in applicable scenarios and continuation of certain functions. Therefore, the actual procedures provided by the Company shall prevail.
1.4 In order to meet the requirements of national laws and regulations regarding operations of non-bank payment institutions, you authorize the Company to inquire and verify your identity information, account information, and foreign currency purchase quotas with state agencies, financial institutions, enterprises and institutions.
1.5 You understand and agree that the Company has the right to revise the content of this agreement according to the needs of business operations adjustments, and publish in advance the latest service agreement on the Company’s website or on the WeChat app. You should pay attention to and understand the latest service agreement released by the Company.
1.6 You are aware that the balance of funds tracked by Change is different from that of your own bank deposit account, is not protected by the Deposit Insurance Regulation, and is essentially the prepaid value that you have entrusted Tenpay to keep and is attributable to you. The fund corresponding to this prepaid value belongs to you, but is not deposited with the bank under your name. Rather, such fund is deposited with the bank under the name of Tenpay, and the fund transfer instruction to the bank shall be initiated by Tenpay.
2. Account and Information Security
2.1 You should personally set up the login password and payment password for your WeChat account and keep them properly. Your WeChat account will be linked to the payment account configured by the Company and cannot be used alone for payment. If your WeChat account is closed, the payment account linked to it will also be closed, as a result of which you will no longer be able to use the Service via your WeChat account. In order to meet the requirements under relevant laws and regulations and to use the core functions of the Service, you need to submit your name, ID number, cellphone number, bank card information and other information. You authorize the Company to save your name, ID number, cellphone number, bank card number, transaction orders, transaction records and other information within the scope prescribed by law in order for the Company to continuously provide and promote quality services to you. You agree that:
2.1.1 You should provide and update timely your information in accordance with the Company’s requirements. If the information you provide is false, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, the Company has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of some or all of the Service to you.
2.1.2 You should provide and update accurate contact information so that the Company can contact you in a timely and effective manner. While using the Service, you should bear any unfavorable consequences that are caused by the Company’s failure to contact you using such contact information.
2.1.3 You should update your identity information and related materials in a timely manner. If you do not update in time and, consequently, the Service becomes unavailable or your WeChat Pay account is fraudulently used by others, you should be responsible accordingly.
2.1.4 If you are an individual user, you confirm that, in any of the following events, the Company has the right to request verification of your valid ID and/or other necessary documents, to keep a scanned copy of your valid ID, and to complete relevant authentication as required by the Company. You should actively cooperate, otherwise the Company has the right to limit or to stop providing to you part or all of the Service:
A. You top up, receive or pay a single amount exceeding RMB10,000 or a single amount in foreign currency exceeding the equivalence of USD1,000;
B. The total amount that has been topped up, received, or paid within 30 days under all of your WeChat Pay accounts exceeds RMB50,000, or, if in foreign currency, exceeds the equivalence of USD10,000;
C. The total balance of all of your WeChat Pay accounts exceeds RMB 5,000 or, if in foreign currency, exceeds the equivalence of USD1,000 for 10 consecutive days;
D. You use the Service to buy or sell financial products or services;
E. The Company believes that your identity information or related information is suspicious, or that your trading behaviors or trading conditions are abnormal;
F. The Company believes that other circumstances have arisen that it becomes necessary to verify or retain your identification documents.
The terms “exceeds” and “exceeding” as used in this article shall be read to mean “exceeds or is equal to” and “exceeding or equal to,” respectively.
2.1.5 If the Company requires you to supplement any identity information or related information under the requirements of national laws and regulations, rules by government departments or regulatory agencies, and if you cannot provide such information in time, the Company has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of some or all of the Service to you.
2.1.6 The name, nickname and profile picture you set up in your WeChat Pay account must comply with the relevant laws and regulations, public order, good customs, and social morality, and will not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of third parties. Otherwise, the Company has the right to take restrictive measures on your WeChat Pay account, including but not limited to blocking and revoking the name, nickname and profile picture of your WeChat Pay account and stopping providing some or all of the Service.
2.2 You should keep the following information, materials and hardware devices properly:
(1) Bank card, password, CVV code, expiration date, and other card information;
(2) WeChat account and login password;
(3) WeChat Pay password and gesture password;
(4) Information related to cellphone and other mobile devices and SIM card information, QR code (bar code) information;
(5) Biometric identification information such as fingerprint information, iris recognition information, face recognition information, and voiceprint information.
You should keep the aforementioned information, materials and hardware devices properly, and ensure that your mobile devices such as your cellphone are operated and used in a safe, virus-free, uninvaded, unmonitored, uncontrolled environment. If you have leaked any of the aforementioned information or materials or lose any of the aforementioned devices, you shall bear the consequent risks and losses.
2.3 When any of the following situations occurs, you should promptly contact the Company’s customer service department to minimize any potential losses:
(1) You have accidentally lost or leaked the information listed in Article 2.2 of this agreement;
(2) You have lost your cellphone or other mobile devices or your SIM card;
(3) You have left the cellphone number of another person while opening your bank account;
(4) Third parties have fraudulently used or stolen your identity information or account information;
(5) Any other use of your WeChat account, the service or your bank account without your legal authorization has occurred.
If any of the situations above occurs, please call our customer service number 95017 promptly.
If you fail to notify the Company in a timely manner, you shall be liable for any losses incurred thereby, unless the Company has been acting intentionally or with gross negligence.
2.4 The Company has the right to adjust the quantities, types, limits and functions of your payment accounts in accordance with national laws and regulations, rules, industry specifications, regulatory policies, and other requirements. The adjustment will be made in consistency with risk management of your payment account. If you have applied for adjustment under relevant regulations and the review has been approved, the approved adjustment shall prevail.
3. Functions of the Service
3.1 Consumption
You can use the Service to purchase goods and services from merchants, and the Company will deduct the corresponding funds from your Change or linked bank account and transfer the funds to the merchant account according to your or the merchant’s trading instruction.
3.2 Transfer/Receipt
Transfer: You can use the Service to transfer funds to your designated payee. The Company will deduct the corresponding funds from your Change or the linked bank account and transfer the funds to the payee’s WeChat Pay account or bank account.
Receipt: You can also receive funds transferred from others by using the Service. The Company can transfer the funds to your Change. You can also transfer the funds within the limits of your Change balance to your linked bank account. The Company can also transfer the balance in Change directly to your linked bank account under relevant laws or under this agreement.
Implementation: The Company implements the transfer and receipt functions through “WeChat Red Envelope,” “Transfer,” “Transfer to Bank Card,” “AA receipt,” and “face to face collection” in the WeChat app.
3.3 Payment to Merchant
In order to facilitate your use of small-amount payment service, you shall provide your QR code (barcode) information to the merchant. After the merchant obtains your QR code (barcode) information, you can complete the payment without entering payment password or SMS verification code for transactions under a certain amount limit (the Company will follow relevant regulations, taking into consideration your own preference and your transaction risk in adjusting the amount limit). By opening and using this function, you are deemed to have agreed to have and authorized the Company to transfer the transaction funds from your Change or bank account to the merchant account without verifying your payment password, SMS verification code and other information.
3.4 Password-Free Payment
In order to facilitate your use of small-amount payment service, when you first activate this function on the corresponding page, after you have entered the payment password and make authorization and confirmation to the Company, the Company shall have the right to directly deduct the corresponding funds from your Change or bank account, following the merchant’s instruction. When you use this function the second time, if the transaction is under a certain amount limit, the Company will not need to verify your payment password, SMS verification code and other information to transfer funds from your Change or bank account to the merchant’s account. If you want to cancel the deduction authorization to the Company, you should complete the cancellation on the WeChat app before the deduction instruction is carried out. Otherwise, the Company has the right to directly deduct the payment amount according to the merchant’s deduction instruction.
3.5 Inquiry
The Company will record the transaction status of your use of the Service. You can check the transaction history on the WeChat app.
3.6 Linking/Unlinking Bank Cards
You can link a new bank account, bank card, or unlink bank account or bank card on the WeChat app.
3.7 Editing/Resetting Password
You can edit the original password or reset the password by providing bank card and personal information.
3.8 Refund
If you apply for a refund related to a WeChat Pay transaction, after the refund is successful, the Company can refund the money directly to your linked bank card or Change.
3.9 Top-up and Withdrawal
Top-up: You can transfer funds from your linked bank account to your Change account.
Withdrawal: You can transfer the funds in your Change account to your linked bank account.
3.10 Valet Purchase Function
If you purchase overseas goods using the Service, the Company will, under your payment instruction and on your behalf, purchase the corresponding foreign currency from the Company’s cooperating bank and settle with the overseas merchant.
3.10.1 You agree and voluntarily accept the foreign exchange rate offered by the Company’s cooperating bank and posted on the payment page of the Company’s website at the time of submitting your application for purchasing foreign exchange, regardless of whether the foreign exchange rate is the up-to-date/real-time rate or whether it is most favorable to you. You understand and agree that the foreign exchange rate on the payment page of the Tenpay website is provided by the Company’s cooperating bank. The Company has not provided and will not provide any forms of guarantee on whether such foreign exchange rate is the up-to-date/real-time rate when you submit the foreign currency purchase application to the Company’s cooperating bank. Once you confirm the purchase by clicking on the relevant section on the payment page, you agree to and authorize the Company to send foreign currency purchase order to the Company’s cooperating bank on your behalf and to confirm the purchase in accordance with the foreign exchange rate posted on the payment page of Tenpay’s Website. For the specific terms of the purchase of foreign exchange on behalf customers, please refer to the “Tenpay Brokerage Agreement on Settlement and Purchase of Foreign Exchange.” If the terms of this agreement are inconsistent or in conflict with the terms of the “Tenpay Brokerage Agreement on Settlement and Purchase of Foreign Exchange,” the “Tenpay Brokerage Agreement on Settlement and Purchase of Foreign Exchange” shall be effective and prevail.
3.10.2 You agree that the Company will purchase the specified foreign currency only through the cooperating bank at the price you have chosen, but that the Company shall not be responsible for the exchange gains and losses resulting from the difference in the exchange rate you have chosen and the actual exchange rate at which the purchase is executed.
3.10.3 You acknowledge and agree that after you authorize the Company to send foreign currency purchase information to the Company’s cooperating bank, it shall be deemed that you and the Company’s cooperating bank have directly entered into a foreign currency purchase agreement. The relevant rights and obligations regarding the purchase of foreign currency shall be undertaken by you and the Company’s cooperating bank, and the Company does not provide any forms of assurance, guarantee, or assume any other legal responsibilities. Meanwhile, you agree and authorize the Company the right to transfer the corresponding funds in RMB, equivalent to the to-be-purchased foreign currency amount, from your WeChat Pay account for making the purchase order with the Company’s cooperating bank. If the corresponding funds in RMB for purchasing the foreign currency exceed your current Change balance or the current balance of your linked bank card account, the foreign exchange purchase order shall be deemed as an abnormal order, and you alone shall bear the consequences thereof.
4. Use of the Service
4.1 Any payment instruction issued by your Wechat account while you are logging in is regarded as payment instruction issued by yourself. You understand and agree that due to the promptness of the transfer of funds, the payment instruction will be effective immediately after it is issued, and that such instruction is irrevocable. The Company has the right to deduct and receive funds according to payment instructions issued by you. You should keep your mobile phone and other electronic devices, payment password, SMS verification codes, digital certificates, electronic signatures, barcodes, QR codes, and other information and materials for WeChat Pay safely. Any damages caused by your leakage, loss, replication, and transfer of the aforementioned information or materials shall be borne alone by you.
4.2 You understand and agree that, in order to bring to you a better payment experience, for a certain number of payment transactions under a certain amount limit (according to the relevant rules of use), the Company shall not be required to verify your WeChat Pay password before carrying out deduction and collection operations (such as “Payment to Merchants” and “Password-Free Payment”) on your Change and linked bank account.
4.3 You voluntarily submit an application to the Company’s cooperating bank (specifically, the bank you confirm on the operation interface, hereinafter referred to as the “Deposit Bank”) to open a bank account and apply for payment transactions through such bank account. You agree and authorize that: 1) the Company will transfer your personal information (including, but not limited to, name, ID number, mobile phone number, bank card information, etc.) required for opening a bank account to the Deposit Bank; 2) the Company can transfer the transaction funds from your Change balance to your designated bank account for making payment; 3) the Company can deduct the transaction amount from the bank account you have designated for making payment to complete the transaction. You shall use the bank account according to your agreement with the Deposit Bank. If any of the following events occurs, the Company shall have the right to immediately suspend the Service:
(1) You use the Service for illegal purposes;
(2) You have violated laws, regulations, agreements, or rules for using the account;
(3) The Company believes that it is risky to provide the Service to you;
(4) Your bank account is invalid, expires or has been closed, etc.;
(5) Bank system failure and system upgrade.
4.4 If you have enabled the WeChat fingerprint payment function, you are deemed to have agreed that, when you use such function, the Company shall not need to verify your payment password or SMS dynamic code, and can carry out deduction and collection operations on your Change and linked bank accounts following transaction instruction by you, the merchant, or the payee, in reliance on the fingerprint verification information sent by your mobile phone or other mobile devices.
4.5 You understand and agree that the Company is not a bank or financial institution and cannot provide services that ensure immediate transfer of funds to your account. You acknowledge that it takes reasonable time for the transfer of funds to complete.
4.6 During the course of your use of the Company’s Service, the Company is not responsible for any risks related to currency depreciation, exchange rate losses and interest losses related to your management, collection or payment of funds, and the Company does not need to pay you any proceeds of payment interests.
4.7 If you have not complied with laws, regulations, this agreement and related operating reminders and business rules while using the Service, you shall be solely responsible for any consequent risks and losses. The Company will not be responsible to you for any such risks and losses. If there is no transaction record within the six months from the date of account opening, the Company has the right to suspend the Service to you in whole. After re-verification of your identity, the Service can be resumed.
4.8 When you use the Service, you shall pay only after carefully confirming the transaction and the amount. The Company has the right to deduct the funds to the payee according to your instructions. At that time, you should not ask the Company to refund or assume other responsibilities for reasons such as having not signed the transaction documents, inconsistent signatures, and not wishing to trade.
4.9 You are responsible for the legitimacy, authenticity, completeness and validity of the instructions you have issued during the use of the Service. Your shall be responsible for the Company’s operations under your instructions.
4.10 You should complete your physical information in accordance with the Company’s requirements for real-name certification, otherwise you may be subject to restrictions on collection, withdrawal and/or payment (including but not limited to Change, Red Envelopes, Financial Management Expert(“Li Cai Tong”)), and the Company has the right to suspend transfer from and payment to your WeChat Pay account until you meet the requirements for real-name certification.
4.11 You agree that the Company has the right to inform you the use of the Service by e-mail, Tenpay website notice, telephone or fax.
4.12 The Company provides real-time transfer, normal transfer, next-day transfer, and other transfer methods to you to choose from (except for WeChat Red Envelope). You can choose the default transfer method (the transfer method you have chosen the first time is the default transfer method; you can also adjust the default transfer method). To protect the safety of your funds, the Company will set the daily maximum transfer amount and the maximum number of transactions that can be completed within one day based on the risk management status of your account; Company will complete transfers according to the daily maximum amount and the number of transactions you have so chosen. The Company will not complete transfer transactions that exceed any of such limits.
4.13 You promise not to use the Service for any unlawful purposes or in any illegal way. You will not use the Service for trading goods that have been prohibited or restricted by laws or regulations from being held or traded.
4.14 You may not use the Service to perform any of the following acts:
(1) Oppose the basic principles set in the Constitution, endanger national security, leak state secrets, subvert state power, or undermine national unity;
(2) Infringe other people’s reputation, privacy rights, trade secrets, trademark rights, copyrights, patents, or other rights;
(3) Fraudulently use the Service in the name of another person or submit telephone number or ID number that cannot be verified;
(4) Engage in any illegal transactions such as selling firearms, drugs, banned medicines, pirated software, buying or selling POS machines (including MPOS) online, card readers or other similar terminals, or selling other prohibited items;
(5) Provide gambling information or induce others to participate in gambling in any way;
(6) Become suspected of implementing or implement money laundering, cashing out or conducting pyramid scheme activities;
(7) Use an invalid credit card or another person’s credit card for trading;
(8) Use an invalid bank account or another person’s bank account for trading;
(9) Infringe the system of the Service;
(10) Violate laws and regulations, regulatory requirements, or terms, agreements, rules, notices or other requirements on the Company’s website (https://www.tenpay.com/v3/);
(11) Rent, lend, sell, or purchase bank account or payment account, fraudulently use another person’s identity, or make up agency relationship in order to open bank account or payment account;
(12) Engage in other acts that violate national laws, regulations, rules, policies, or this agreement.
4.15 You agree that you authorize the Company to execute transactions that you make through WeChat Pay in accordance with the agreement between you and your transaction partner and the rules formulated and published by the Company. At the same time, you authorize the Company to obtain information related to you (including but not limited to descriptions of the traded goods, logistics information, behavioral information, account-related information, etc.) from third parties for verifying the authenticity and legality of the transactions.
5. Service Fees
You understand that the Service comes with operating costs. For the sake of maintaining continuous operation, the Company has the right to charge you service fees. The actual method for charging service fees is finalized in the various notices and notifications you will receive while using the Service. Notices and notifications issued by the Company regarding various types of charges are part of this agreement. If you continue to use the Service after receiving such notices or notifications regarding service charges, you are deemed to have unconditionally agreed to pay to the Company service fees under the relevant notices or notifications.
6. Observation of Local Laws
6.1 In the process of using the Service, you should abide by local laws and regulations, and respect local ethics and customs. If your behaviors violates local laws, regulations or moral customs, you should be solely responsible for any such consequences.
6.2 If your country or region prohibits or restricts all or part of the content of this agreement, you should immediately stop using the Service.
6.3 You should avoid being involved in political and public events for using the Service, otherwise the Company has the right to suspend or terminate the Service to you.
7. Liabilities and Limitations
7.1 The Company is only liable for the obligations listed in this agreement, and the scope of the Company’s liability is limited to your actual economic losses that are reasonably foreseeable.
7.2 The Company only provides the Service and does not participate in specific goods or services transactions. When you use the Service, any dispute or liability arising from the transaction of goods or services should be resolved or undertaken by you.
7.3 The Service is provided at the current technical level. The Company will try its best to provide services for you, but there is no guarantee that the Service will fully meet your expectations.
8. Force Majeure and Other Exemptions
8.1 In the course of your use of the Service, you may encounter risk factors including force majeure, which may interrupt the Service. Force majeure refers to any unforeseen, insurmountable, unavoidable and objective event that has a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disaster such as flood, earthquake, plague and storm, and social event such as war, unrest, and government action. When the above situation occurs, the Company will work hard to cooperate with relevant parties in the first instance to make repairment in time. However, to the extent permitted by law, the Company shall be exempted from being responsible for any losses caused by such events to you.
8.2 To the extent permitted by law, the Company shall not be liable for any interruption or obstruction of the Service caused by any of the following:
(1) Damage by computer viruses, Trojan virus or other malicious programs, or hacker attacks;
(2) Your or the Company’s computer software, system, hardware and communication failure;
(3) Your failure to operate properly;
(4) Your use of the Service in a manner not authorized by the Company;
(5) Failure of the banking system or bank network;
(6) Other situations that the Company cannot control or reasonably anticipate.
8.3 In the course of your use of the Service, the Company will not be responsible for any of the following risks:
(1) Anonymous information or information from disguised source that contains threats, defamation, offensive or illegal content;
(2) Any psychological, physiological, and economic damages caused by misleading, deceitful acts or by other acts;
(3) Other risks caused by network information or by your actions.
8.4 In the course of your use of the Service, the Company may, to the extent permitted by law, remove illegal content, but the Company undertakes no obligation or commitment to do so.
9. Suspense, Interruption or Termination of the Service
9.1 You understand that the Company has the right to risk manage your WeChat Pay transactions in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. When the Company believes that you have suspicious transactions or that there is a violation of the law or of this agreement, the Company has the right to suspend, interrupt or terminate the provision of the Service to you (including but not limited to restricting transactions, suspending transactions, canceling transactions, adjusting accounts with regard to payments under your WeChat Pay account and with regard to payments in transit). If the Company decides to terminate the provision of all or part of the Service to you, the Company has the right to return the legal funds from your WeChat Pay account to your linked bank account. If the Company determines that the funds in your WeChat Pay account are suspected of being related to illegal or criminal activities, the Company has the right to close down the payment, receipt, cash withdrawal, and other functions related to the funds in your WeChat Pay account, and to freeze and deduct such suspected funds according to the instructions from state authority.
9.2 If the Company finds out that you have violated this agreement, it reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or terminate the provision of the Service to you, to close your WeChat Pay account, and to not provide any services to you within a certain period of time.
10. Protection of Privacy
The Company highly values the protection of your privacy. Your personal privacy information will be protected and regulated in accordance with the “Tenpay Privacy Policy”. For details, please refer to “Tenpay Privacy Policy.”
11. [Protection of Intellectual Property Rights]
11.1 The intellectual property provided by the Company while offering the Service (including but not limited to web pages, texts, pictures, audio, video, graphics, etc.) is owned by the Company and its affiliates. The intellectual property of the content generated by you while using the Service is owned by you or the relevant right holders.
11.2 Unless otherwise specifically stated, the copyrights, patents, and other intellectual property rights of the software relied upon by the Company in providing the Service are owned by the Company and its affiliates.
11.3 The trademarks such as “Cai Fu Tong” and “Tenpay” which are used by the Company while providing the Service are owned by the Company and its affiliates.
11.4 The above intellectual property rights are protected by law. No one may use or create derivative work in any forms without the written consent by the Company, you or the relevant right holders.
12. Application of Law and Dispute Resolution
12.1 This agreement shall be signed in the Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, the People’s Republic of China.
12.2 The establishment, validity, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (excluding conflict of laws).
12.3 Any disputes or conflicts between you and the Company arising from this agreement shall first be settled via friendly negotiations. In case that negotiations fail, you agree to submit such conflicts or disputes to the jurisdiction of the People’s Court that presides over the location where this agreement is signed (Nanshan District, Shenzhen).
13. Other Terms
13.1 The headings of all articles of this agreement are for convenience of reading only and have no practical meaning themselves. They cannot be used as basis for interpreting this agreement.
13.2 If any provisions of this agreement are invalid or unenforceable for any reasons, the remaining provisions shall still be in force and shall be binding on both parties.
Tenpay Payment Techology Co., Ltd.
WeChat Pay Europe – EU User Addendum
1. Your relationship with us
You are reading the EU User Addendum (the “EU Addendum”) which govern the relationship and serve as an agreement between you and WeChat Pay Europe BV (“WeChat Pay Europe”, “we” or “us”) for your use of our website, services, applications, products and content (collectively, the “Services”) if you ordinarily reside in the EU. For purposes of these Terms, “you” and “your” means you as the user of the Services. This EU Addendum supplements the WeChat Pay User Service Agreement (“User Agreement”, and together with the EU Addendum, the “Terms”) between you and Tenpay Payment Technology Co. Ltd. (“Tenpay”). This EU Addendum shall take precedence over the User Agreement in the event of conflicting terms. Definitions capitalized but not defined in this EU Addendum, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the User Agreement.
WeChat Pay Europe is a company established in the Netherlands, with its registered address at the Amstelplein 54, in Amsterdam 1096 BC (trade register number 72082860). You may use these address details for questions and complaints, as well as the following email address: wechatpay_europe@tencent.com.
2. Accepting the terms
By using our Services, you confirm that you can form a binding contract with WeChat Pay Europe, that you accept these Terms and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use our Services. You should print off or save a local copy of the Terms for your records.
3. Changes to the Terms
We amend these Terms from time to time, for instance when we update the functionality of our Services or when there are regulatory changes. You must look at the Terms regularly to check for such changes. Your continued use of the Services after the date of the new Terms constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms. If you do not agree to the new Terms, you will no longer be able to use the Services, and you may withdraw your balance in WeChat “Wallet” to your bank card.
4. Charges
Charges for the Services are set out in our Charge Information Sheet, available on the Internet here . We reserve the right to adjust our Charge Information Sheet, and we will always notify you when we do this. All charges are disclosed prior to completing your transaction, and the charges are assessed at the time of the transaction.
5. Personal Data
For the purposes of data protection legislation (and varying Clause 10 of the User Agreement), we are the data controller. We will process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy , which we will notify to you from time to time.
6. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
This EU User Addendum, its subject matter and its formation, are governed by Dutch law. You and we both agree that the courts of the Netherlands will have exclusive jurisdiction.